Cargo Tracking Note for Nigeria

Cargo Tracking Note for Nigeria

Nigeria ICTN

Nigeria I – Cargo Tracking Note updated and be valid at the end of 2019. The Country still has ACD document for all cargoes for the final destination of the ports.

Implementation of a CTN Certificate will be required for Nigeria soon.

Why CTN Required for Nigeria?

Exporters ask this question often to ITR Logistics. CTN Document required for Nigeria, because the Authority of Nigeria makes it mandatory for all cargoes before the arrival.

ITR Logistics valid and reliable Nigeria CTN (BSC) certificate provider.

How to Obtain Nigeria ICTN Certificate?

It’s easy to apply with the ITR Logistics website. Just a few steps and you will start your Nigeria Cargo Tracking Note process online.

Before the Apply of CTN Application, you must prepare your necessary documents to send us. That’s necessary because of the CTN process will be longer when you send your documents wrong or lack.

Required Documents for Nigeria Cargo Tracking Note Obtainment

We will type the details below of this title. You must prepare all of these documents.

  • Bill of Lading (Note: a Draft copy can be used for BESC issuance)
  • Commercial Invoice (Note: Incoterm, reference, and the date have to be mentioned)
  • Freight Invoice (Required If not mentioned on Commercial Invoice)
  • Export Customs Declaration
  • Importer’s telephone number and email address
  • Exporter’s telephone number and email address

Notice: You may cancel the process anytime during the CTN Application.

How Long it will Take to Obtain Nigeria Bordereau de Suivi des Cargaisons Document?

We have experience from the Nigerian management for the ENS Number operations. ENS obtainment process takes one week or less.

Operations will be approved by the Lagos, Port Authority of Nigeria.

We think it might be 5 working days or less for the Cargo Tracking Note Certificate.

Remember, please send your all documents correct and none lack.

Which Ports Will Be Need Nigeria CTN Certificate?

Nigeria has 8 ports, these ports separated as 2 big, 6 small.

Check all over the Nigerian Ports in SEA ROUTES

All these ports needed the Cargo Waiver Document.

What Products are Banned to be Imported into Nigeria?

  • Animals and animal by-products from areas affected by epizootic diseases and plants coming from areas affected by the epiphytic disease.
  • Some distilled beverages, pornography and gambling machines
  • We do not provide ECTN certificate for any kind of illegal product, or equipments.

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