What does ACID stand for in shipping?

ACID, the Advanced Cargo Information Declaration, is pivotal for Egypt’s modernized approach to import management. Integral to customs procedures, it enhances cargo security and efficiency at ports. By requiring detailed pre-arrival cargo information, the ACID system preemptively addresses potential issues, enabling smoother customs operations and minimizing contraband risks. Comprehending ACID’s significance is crucial for compliance and seamless logistics when shipping to Egypt.

How do I get my ACID number in Egypt?

To secure an ACID number, adhere to this procedure, focusing on preparing and submitting essential documents:

  1. Bill of Lading: Details the shipment’s specifics.
  2. Commercial Invoice: Records the transaction, vital for customs valuation.
  3. Commercial Invoice in Excel Format: Facilitates data review.
  4. Packing List: Itemizes the shipment for verification.
  5. Certificate of Origin: Certifies the goods’ manufacturing country, affecting tariffs.

Register and submit these through Nafeza or CargoX. Upon successful document verification, the Egyptian Customs Authority issues the ACID number, crucial for efficient cargo processing in Egypt.

What is the validity of the ACID number in Egypt?

An ACID number’s validity is specific to the associated shipment and concludes once customs clearance is granted. Each new shipment to Egypt requires a distinct ACID number, emphasizing the importance of accurate documentation for each cargo batch to ensure compliance and facilitate customs processing.

Who provides the ACID number?

The Egyptian Customs Authority issues the ACID number via Nafeza or CargoX after validating the shipment’s documents. Early engagement with the ACID process and precise documentation is key to efficient Egyptian shipping operations.

Is CargoX Mandatory in Egypt?

Egypt mandates digital solutions for cargo shipments, specifying NAFEZA for Egyptian importers and CargoX for foreign exporters. CargoX’s blockchain foundation enhances document submission security and integrity, integral to Egypt’s import regulations. This digitalization drive streamlines customs clearance, underscoring the importance of platform compliance for successful shipping to Egypt.

ACID Regulations for Shipping to Egypt

A thorough understanding of Egypt’s Customs regulations is essential. An ACID certificate is mandatory for all commercial marine goods, with specific guidelines for personal goods requiring freight forwarder processing. Exporters must have a verified account on designated platforms like CargoX or NAFEZA, reflecting Egypt’s commitment to secure and efficient trade.

Need help with ACID Number for Egypt?

We are available 24/7 to help you with your Egypt shipments. Please get in touch with us via WhatsApp, email, or the contact form on this page you can see.

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