Central African Republic ECTN

Central African Republic ECTN

Central African Republic ECTN

Central African Republic ECTN is a mandatory digital certificate to be presented at the customs indicating shipper and consignee information, loading & discharge ports and, dates, and cargo details such as kind and quantity of the cargo, goods value, freight value, etc.

Why is ECTN / Cargo Tracking Note Necessary for Central Africa?

CTN or any other loading certificate does inform the port authorities regarding the arrival date of the cargo and quantity, allowing the authorities to be prepared for the discharge operations in advance. CTN also prevents corruption by stating the actual price of the imported goods, and forwarding below mentioned transporting documents shortly after loading the cargo, assuring authorities all transportation documents are authentic and in order.

Why must you obtain a Central Africa ECTN Certificate for your Shipments?

Without the CTN certificate, the cargo could not be cleared at the customs, and a penalty will be in question in addition to the demurrage costs that have occurred until a valid CTN certificate is presented at the customs.

Which Documents are Necessary for the Central African Republic ECTN?

  • Bill of Lading
  • Commercial Invoice
  • Freight Invoice (if the freight value is not noted on the commercial invoice)
  • Customs Declaration Form

Notice: You may cancel the process anytime during the CTN Application.

Points to Consider for Central Africa Shipments

  • CTN certificate is issued based on the transportation documents submitted online, and a physical examination of the cargo will not be necessary.
  • Validation of the certificate will take 2 to 3 days and is under the authorities’ initiative.
  • If the final destination of the cargo is in Central Africa, it will not be necessary to have the CTN of the destination port country.

Central African Republic’s Trade Cap Import volume

Central Africa’s import volume was declared to be $ 229 million.

Central Africa’s Export volume

Central Africa’s export volume was declared to be $ 62.4 million.

Need help with Cargo Tracking Note for Central Africa?

We are available 24/7 to help you with your Central Africa shipments. Please contact us via email, or you can see the form from this page on the right panel.

What Products are Banned from being Imported into the Central African Republic?

  • Animals and animal by-products from areas affected by epizootic diseases and plants from areas affected by epiphytic disease.
  • Some distilled beverages, pornography, and gambling machines
  • We do not provide ECTN certificates for any illegal product or equipment.

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