Grace Period for Shipments to Mali has EndedSergenNovember 16, 2015As of November 16th, the CMC has issued an official communication that defines the BESC as a compulsory certificate for.More Information
Senegal – BSC Tracking NoteSergenOctober 15, 2015Dakar, the Republic of Senegal, is an essential hub in Western Africa. Therefore, all shipments to Dakar, Senegal, require a.More Information
Burkina Faso WaiverSergenAugust 1, 2015Burkina Faso Cargo Waiver As in other African countries, to plan and control incoming cargoes, Burkina Faso has started requiring.More Information
Niger CNUT CertificateSergenJuly 12, 2015Since October 2001, all shipments with a final destination Niger requires a BSC certificate (Bordereau de suivi de cargaison /.More Information
Madagascar – BSC WaiverSergenDecember 12, 2008All cargo shipped to Madagascar as of 24 March 2007 requires a Cargo tracking note (CTN/BSC – Bordereau de Suivi.More Information
Ivory Coast – Abidjan – BSC WaiverSergenDecember 12, 2008In order to monitor all Côte d’Ivoire volumes, the Office Ivoirien des Chargeurs (OIC – the Ivorian Shippers Council) has.More Information